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The Expense APIs provide a comprehensive set of endpoints for managing your Expense data. They allow you to create, read, update, and delete Expense records.

REST API Capabilities

The Expense REST API can manage the following:

Approved Expense ClaimsQuery approved expense claims.
Approved Credit Card ClaimsQuery approved credit card claims.
Bank DetailsQuery user bank details.
ProjectsManage and query projects.
TasksManage and query tasks/cost centres.
Vat RatesManage and query vat rates.
CurrenciesManage and query available/trading currencies.

GraphQL API Capabilities

The Expense GraphQL API can manage the following:

Bank DetailsQuery user bank details.
Credit Card TransactionsManage and query credit card transactions.
CurrenciesQuery user available/trading currencies.
Duty of CareManage and query duty of care records.
Expense transactionsManage and query expense transactions.
Expense TypesQuery expense types.
ProjectsQuery projects.
ReceiptsManage and query receipts.
SettingsQuery subscription settings.
TagsQuery user tag records.
TasksQuery tasks/cost centres.
UsersQuery users.
Vat RatesQuery vat rates.
Vat Receipt OptionsQuery vat receipt options.
VehiclesManage and query vehicles.